The ketogenic diet a.k.a keto-diet has many benefits for your health, as well as being the new go-to diet for losing weight. However, you might be wondering, and worrying, about the chance of having to give up your favorite crustacean while being on the keto diet. You DON’T have to stop eating lobster while being on this diet! Keep on reading this post to learn about what keto diet really is and learn ways you can enjoy lobster.

Let’s start by talking about what keto diet is and how it works.
This low-carb, high-fat diet shares similar qualities with the Atkins Diet, which is also a low-carb diet.
Your body is put into a metabolic state called ketosis when it replaces carbs with fat. In this state, your body becomes very efficient at burning fat for energy. This not only helps people lose weight, but it also lowers insulin and blood sugar levels.
For this diet to work, the liver needs to make ketone bodies, the fuel your liver produces from stored fat. This will make your body burn fat for energy, instead of using sugar from carbs.
You should eat no more than 20-50 grams of carbs a day and must include fat at every meal. It usually takes a few days for the Keto Diet to start working.
So, can you eat lobster on the keto diet? The answer is YES!

You might also pay attention to how you prepare the lobster. You might replace pasta with veggies and still enjoy a great dish!
For more ideas of what to include with your lobster dish, check out different tips on what to eat and don’t on a keto-diet:
What to Eat:
Fish and seafood: As stated before, fish and seafood are low in carbs, highly nutritious and can be prepared in many ways!
Low-carb veggies: You can try your lobster with bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes and most green veggies! These are high in nutrients, minerals and antioxidants. The perfect match!
Eggs: Not only are they a source of protein and nutrition, but they are also almost carb-free. This versatile food can be used in a variety of recipes!
Avocados: Everyone loves avocados, and fortunately they are not only delicious, but also nutritious and high in potassium! You can add avocado to increase the richness and health of your lobster dish.
Meat and poultry: Meat and poultry have high protein, no carbs and plenty of nutrients.
Cheese: When you add cheese to your meal, it instantly gets better by increasing fat and flavor. Luckily, cheese is a high-fat low-carb food which makes it perfect for the Keto Diet.
Butter and Cream: These two ingredients are low-carb and high-fat. They are both perfect for many cooking methods, and they help increase the taste of dishes!
Healthy Oils: If you want to add healthy fat to a keto meal, try extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil!
Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds are nutritious low-carb, high-fat foods. Add these to your dish for extra flavor!
What Not to Eat:
As obvious as it may seem, these are foods that you might want to avoid, or reduce, on a keto diet:
Grain Foods: Pasta, rice, cereal, bread.
Sugary Foods: Cake, candy, soda.
Beans and Legumes.
High-carb condiments or sauces.
Mayonnaise or processed vegetable oils.
Ready to add lobster to your Keto-Diet? Then you might want to enjoy the best fresh seafood and Fresh Maine Lobster! Visit The Fresh Lobster Company and order your Maine Live Lobsters and Fresh Seafood Shipped to your home, family, friends & business associates in a Decorative Gift Package!