Once considered a poor man’s meal, Lobster today is one of the most luxurious meals, and of course, there’s an entire art form in how to preserve it, cook it, and many interesting facts. Find any answer you were looking for and more interesting facts about these great and delicious creatures on the list below:
Why do lobsters turn red when cooked?

The red, shiny lobster you’re used to seeing in TV or cooking books is the cooked lobster. A live lobster tends to have a grey color or other dark shade. They turn red when cooked because all the pigments that make up a lobster’s shell are destroyed by heat except the red pigment.

How is lobster cooked?
The two most common ways to cook lobsters are steaming and boiling. You can also grill, barbecue, poach, and parboil the lobster.Here are some tips on how to cook it according to each way:
Boiling: This is the best way to cook lobster if you need to cook four or more at a time. Fill a large pot with water and salt, when it bouls add lobsters and start timing.
Steaming: Fill a large pot with water. Bring to a rolling boil, add the lobsters, cover, and steam. Steaming time should be eight minutes per pound, and three additional minutes per pound for each additional pound thereafter.
Grilling: Set the grill to medium heat, crack both claws enough to break the shells. Brush the lobster meat with oil or butter, salt, and pepper. Place halves shell side down on the grill until they’re opaque in the thickest portion of the tail (about six to eight minutes).
Parboiling: Fill a large pot with water and salt When it boils add lobsters, but only blanch for two to three minutes. Store the lobsters in their shells to prevent loss of juices or drying.

How can you tell when a lobster is cooked?
When it is bright red in color and when the legs and antennae can be pulled off easily. The tomalley should be green and firm, the roe bright red and the meat white, elastic and opaque.

What is tomalley?
The tomalley is part of a lobster’s digestive tract, the midgut glands. Tomalley turns green when it’s cooked and is considered a delicacy by many.

What is roe?
Roe is the unfertilized egg mass of a female, the red, or deep coral-looking mush often found in a cooked lobster.

How long does it take to boil lobster tails per ounce?
Baked or boiled lobster tails will typically take one to one-and-a-half minutes per ounce to cook. If tails still show some translucency, cook for one-minute increments until done. The tail will contract and curl when cooked, but the meat will be firm.

Do lobsters suffer and feel pain when being cooked?
Lobsters do not feel pain to the same degree as humans do. Being invertebrates, they do not have a complex nervous system like us, their brain is small and consists only of a bundle of nerves.

What color is lobster’s blood?
When lobsters’ blood is exposed to oxygen it develops a bluish color, but it is actually colorless.

How long can a lobster live out of water?
If kept in a moist and cool place, a lobster can live out of the water for a couple of days.

How can a lobster live so long out of water?
Lobsters can extract the oxygen from the air, but in order to do this its gills must be kept moist or they will collapse.

Can lobsters swim?
Adult lobsters crawl by using their walking legs and by contracting and retracting their tail, but they don¡t swim. On the other hand, lobster larvae that have not settled to the bottom yet float through the ocean with the water current. As they grow older they swim with the use of their swimmerets and walking legs. Once they reach the bottom they stay there forever.

How do you tell a lobster’s age?
There is no exact way to determine a lobster’s age. You can make a guess by looking at the lobster’s size.

Why don’t you ever see a lobster’s molted shell?
Most lobsters actually digest their molted shell after they molt so that they can absorb the calcium in them to strengthen their new softshell, that’s why you don’t see it.

How do you thaw frozen lobster tails?
It’s important to thaw your lobster tails in a safe and sanitary way. If your tails aren’t thawed throughout, the meat inside will not cook properly. Place the sealed bag in cold water for 30 to 60 minutes and replace water at least once to keep cold. You can thaw your lobster tails in the refrigerator for one day prior to cooking them. Once your tails are thawed, you can bake, boil, grill, or steam them.

Is it possible to raise lobsters on a commercial basis?
It takes too long for a lobster to reach a marketable size that it is financially unfeasible to raise them. Most people who have tried to do it were unsuccessful.

How can you tell the sex of a lobster?
Take a look at the first pair of swimmerets on the underside of the tail: if they are hard and rigid then you have a male, if they are soft and feathery you have a female. The width of the tail will also give you this information. A female will have a wider tail compared with an equivalent-sized male.

Why are lobsters fished in different areas in different months?
This is done for conservation measures so that the areas are not overfished and the lobster population is not seriously affected.

How big can lobsters grow?
The largest lobster ever recorded weighed in at 44 lb. 6 oz. and measured 3 ft. 6 in. from the end of the tail to the tip of the largest claw.

What is cold water lobster?
There are warm water and cold water lobsters. Coldwater lobsters have firm, white meat that tastes cleaner than their warm water counterparts. Warm water lobsters come from places like Florida, the Caribbean, or Latin America. These lobsters are usually softer and more difficult to firm even when cooked properly.

Can you eat lobster when there is a shellfish ban??
Lobsters are not “filter feeders”. They do not pump seawater and any pollution that the water might carry through their bodies. Toxins in the water do not concentrate in their flesh, therefore, you can eat lobster when there is a shellfish ban!